:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS ::

domenica, ottobre 24, 2004

:: end of hols blog ::

it's 3 hours 28 minutes to the end of the one week glorious (it has to be since it's the only break since 4mths) holidays! tomorrow i shall be striking out to CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL to look at people's bones and see the pooky x-rays. orthopaedics looks sooo boring! it's so boring i didn't get past the introductory chapter. i'm thinking of sawing the book into two so i've got something to read on (more accurately, drool on) while on the long long train ride home. i think i'm going to be seeing an orthopaedic myself soon, cuz i'm sure i'm going to injure my back accidentally while checking out someone's back/leg/hip. meanwhile, lulu will be tickling screaming tots on their feet and saying kootchy kootchy all day long... and also facing hands-wringing parents, in constant a state of anxiety about their darlings. and she'll probably be swotting genetics and studying the map of all the chromosomes while i try to differentiate a callus from periosteal new bone formation from osteoporotic lesions, osteosclerosis and see cool things like pepper pot skull and perhaps bamboo spine... or maybe we'll all finally get to x-ray hypoC to see if he's really got ankylosing spondylitis...

i'm babbling cuz i'm so bored. i don't want to study/play games/watch tv/sleep. i'm filled with trepidation about my new posting and somehow excited cos i'll probably run into seet when i do the second half of my posting. heh heh... i'll haunt ward 57 and its residence room. lolz...

in this week i have done the following things: met up with scgs pple, met up with lina, bought a bag (very very happy with it), rented about 4 movies and watched one on the big screen, made one penpal from syria, been contacted by someone who dropped in on miguel's forum, did not shop for once! (cuz i spent a bomb on the bag), played many of the games on msn.com, read first chapter of papa apley, went thru my bro's report, done half of my report for cofm, backed up my files, almost crashed my comp upon installing service pack 2, somehow got the yamaha audio device BLOCKED and now have to get new driver from the vendor, looked at rabbits at the pet shop, crapping on msn, singing along with my cds, calling my cofm patient and... generally sleeping at like 3am almost everyday. think i've slacked a lot these hols, but i don't feel guilty about it. cuz if i dun let myself unwind, it's going to be my undoing. time to brace up for the next posting!

a thought just struck me... a friend asked me if i had seen people who were going to pass away in the hospital... and i was thinking about all those people i had spoken to... and how some of them just passed away less than a day after... and i think that talking to these people will teach us how to live life.

Dopey @ 8:51 PM | 0 comments

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francesca chiu
2 eyebags & 5 wrinkles
on long-term dormicum drip
icq: 58631104

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