:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS ::

mercoledì, novembre 24, 2004

:: get real - are singapore women hard to love? ::

First, I believe it should be 'Singaporean women' or 'women from Singapore' rather than 'Singapore women'... The same goes for 'Singapore Idol'... I really don't know what to say about the standard of English here.

I would say SW (singapore women) are both easy AND difficult to love. It all depends on the men. hehe... It depends on what qualities the SM (singapore men) are looking for. SW of today are - modern, ambitious, well-educated, focused, high achievers with their own opinions and mostly are not as domesticated as before. Such characteristics they possess were once associated with SM while the SW then had an image of a domesticated housewife, second to the men in the workplace and family. SW today look for men who not only have a secure job, but also have a reasonable bank account, humour, reasonable looks, at least the same level of education, a certain level of capability... and other aspects of character that the woman might desire in her ideal man. SM today, however, seem to be still searching for the virtues that their fathers and grandfathers desired in their wives. Such qualities are - ability to cook, keep house, willingness to bear children, look after his parents and being demure. So at times, it is not surprising that SM find SW hard to love because what the SW possess are not qualities placed in high regard by all SM. :)

Perhaps, as Diana Ser had aptly put in the show, the title could be renamed - 'Why are Singaporean men stuck in the Jurassic Age while Singaporean women have progressed to the twenty-first century?' :)

In the documentary, it was also mentioned that there are increasing numbers of SM looking for foreign brides and increasing numbers of SW looking for their ideal man among foreigners. I think that is fine and should not be discouraged... well, anything goes, as long as it helps to increase the birth rate eh? (just joking) I believe that this tendency of looking among non-locals for a possible life partner is also evidence that SM and SW do not find the qualities they value in a life partner in each other.

This is a topic that everyone could go on discussing. Such views will constantly shift with changes in society, most importantly, by the evolution of women into roles that were once dominated by men. Women are now playing an increasingly significant role as a decision-maker in the family and in the workplace. Men, I suppose could either evolve to be more accepting of the new 'breed' of women or they could start developing some of the virtues they value and seek for in the women. Eg. cook, clean and take care of the children. (fortunately, childbirth is always a privilege reserved for women, lol... lol so men can never be independent of women if they want children! muahahaha... sorry it's just my evil side invading this prim and politically proper discussion). In addition, I would like to remind all that when they complain that the men/women are all looking towards foreigners for their life partners, they should bear in mind that their own gender are doing likewise!

Dopey @ 1:42 AM | 1 comments


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Interesting post.

- jz

12:38 AM  

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