:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS ::

sabato, dicembre 18, 2004

:: holidays - day 1 ::

i've decided that, in order to prevent myself from squandering the precious hols away, i shall blog about what i do EVERY SINGLE day.. so that if i find that i'm doing nothing constructive, i shall suffer in shame while the rest of the world reads about the nonsensical, boh liaoz things i do...

hmmmm DAY ONE of glorious glorious hols and -i have to go back to school for community health project-... if this goes on, i have no health watsoever to speak of!

anyway, at least, for once, probably just the rare few times, we were actually PRODUCTIVE! we finally got down to churning out the questionnaire... bascially it was just putting together surveys that famous pple (must be those cofm type) have designed... and then asking for their permission to use it... just pray hard we don't have to pay much money.. cuz we only have this miserable 200bux granted for the research... duh. go swensen also not enuff lor!

anyway... yeah feel at least some kind of achievement, cuz we've taken one more step down this arduous path.

:: da shao chu ::

i cleared out SIX NTUC-sized plastic bags of trash from my room! shifted my wonderful collection of horror books... (ooo...) to my brother's room's top shelf, cuz my textbooks have been protesting against ill-treatment and have been campaigning rather violently for more space. so i trashed, and i trashed, and i trashed...

finally... i ended up with one entire level (of the shelf) of medical textbooks, one carton of notes in files and one mini-shelf of other medical stuff... and also, it was scary cuz i found out that my spanish cum italian material took up ONE shelf (like my med txtbooks!) and one BIG 3-inch file. serious manz... no wonder my ex-compa~neros say i'm a freak! hmmm but anyway, no one's a bigger freak then michael!!! i think he can start a library!

:: nostalgia ::

i was packing my stuff when i came across those essays i wrote, those little notes i wrote at the side of my guidebooks for spanish and i felt a kind of heart-ache! I MISS SPANISH! I MISS MY SPANISH CLASSMATES! muakz! lolz... and I MISS MUGGING SPANISH!!!! WAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! *sniff sniff* haiz...

:: plan ::

i plan to do my italian grammar exercise book. hehe... it's time to polish up my grammar! woohoo!!!

tomorrow have to go to my cousin's new place for house-warming... sick. i can't get along with my paternal side at all. can't be bothered, wouldn't have gone if it was not for the fact that i'm so free now and it wouldn't look nice for my parents if i didn't. urgh... shall bring the gross forensic science fiction book over tomorrow, and i'll describe the human anatomy upon dissection to whoever dares come 'ka jiao' me... or start to be unkind to me... hmph. to think of it, i dunno why i always act like i'm ok and just keep quiet when people say things that aren't very nice about me. it's HIGH time i stood up for my own pride and for myself! i have enough confidence to do it!

Dopey @ 10:15 PM | 1 comments


Blogger R. said...

hEY Dopey!

It's a shame people say unknd things to you, you definitely don't deserve any of that! But still --- I've learnt that the best way out is to be SHARP. Use a scalpel-sharp tongue to completely lacerate, eviscerate and decapitate them. Hit at their weakest, be brutal and fatal, completely lash out and thrash their ego in one glib sentence.

Here's a useful link for u!! http://brawl-hall.com/pages/insults-harsh.php

In case you need any evil stuff to retort ;)Mind, I don't do that to most people, only the few that deserve to burn in hell.

11:00 PM  

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