:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS :: | |
lunedì, gennaio 17, 2005 :: dinner at vil'age ::vil'age (pronounced as vee-lah-zhay) at china square is a replica of marche. it's a wonder the owner of marche didn't sue this guy's pants off! what's more, he 'pulled' along quite a few of the chefs when he left. perhaps that's why the food there is finer than that in marche... it was great seeing the same ole folks again, namely yowkhan, khaitou, sehleng (so cute!) and selina. unfortunately, michael couldn't go cuz he had an audition for the PCK musical! (oh yeah! i'm so proud of him, and i hope he gets in) cuz then we might get to see him with -yellow boots-, -big mole with curly hair- and -signature curly hair-. teehee... dinner was a riotous affair, we probably would have brought the ceiling down if michael was there... somehow, the subject changed from all-things-spanish to all-things-gay/lesbian/bi... oops... kt and yk were fighting nail and tooth over these issues. somehow, despite being such good friends, they are almost poles apart when it comes to certain issues. hehe... SL on the other hand, was a 'thoroughbred conservative'... anyway, this meeting has rekindled the desire to learn spanish... with kt seemingly pestering or at least v keen to get someone to take classes with, i can almost feel my resolve melting away... and perhaps my birthday and angpow money dwindling away too!
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archives aprile 2004 ![]() |
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