:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS ::

giovedì, giugno 30, 2005

:: clinics ::

clinics was a huuuuuge success today! saw interesting stuff like iris rubeosis (actually it's not that obvious to see, unlike the super obvious pic in the textbk!)

iris rubeosis: blood vessels growing on the iris -> seen as tiny, thin vessels like squiggly spokes and pt has a hazy cornea cuz the cornea is hydrated (from the high pressure of fluid in the ant. chamber secondary to glaucoma) 4th stage DR liao. VA like 6/60... :S

proliferative DR: waao... all those squiggly irregular vessels in the area of the optic disc

saw about 4-5 diabetic retinopathies...

nuclear sclerosis! very clear on direct ophthalmoscope but it actually wasn't affecting the pt much, in fact, that was her GOOD eye! vision abt 6/12 still...

there was one retinal vein occlusion, unfortunately no cherry red spot. tt's only seen in the acute stage... the only thing left was the pale optic disc => optic atrophy.

branch artery occlusion... erm... didn't see a lot on the scope, just PRP (pan-retinal photocoagulation) kind of scars. BUT BUT BUT! i managed to detect a central scotoma heheheh... doc said dun have lolz... but HAVE! haha in the end it turned out that the patient AND doc had messed up left fr right which led to a weird misunderstanding. anywayz... it was cool.... but sad for the pt la...

saw someone with a capsulectomy... it was odd, damn difficult, close to impossible to see through the hole in her hole... ie. the hole in the post. capsule of the lens which is located in the pupil. haha... used slit lamp in the end!

the ophthalmo docs are SO NICE... esp the 'sailorman', dr inez, dr liwei (v pretty today, she put on eyeshadow keke), and dr red-eyes...

*the odd exchange*
dr ****: (smiles a VERY benign smile at MS)
me: (smiles back and nods head as a 'hi' since pt was there...)
dr ****: (smiles somemore, could a smile get any wider???)
me: (smiles back, facial muscles aching) hi dr ****
dr ****: hi... (smiles EVEN wider)
me: errrr...
dr ****: hmmm...
me: hur??
dr ****: you were with us yesterday? no... tuesday?
me: oh yea... in the private clinics
dr ****: (smiles some more)
me: (oh dear... er...)
at this juncture, dr red-eyes and 'sailorman' decided to confer with him over some interesting loop vesels...

i've got some strabismus... it might just be a pseudo one, since by pinching my nose bridge it disappears... however, i'm not very convinced cuz it's v hard to pinch one's nose bridge and look at one's eye at the same time... i attempted to do the cover test on myself... with the result that i ended up cross-eyed.
look out at my left pupil, it deviates medially... must compare sclera to see clearly.
no wonder i look so stupid and blur at ALL times... must be tt eye. GRRR....

Reema has a divergent leftie. keke... more obvious than mine. ;)

congrats to mr r. wenky for being the first person (in the cg) to locate my optic disc. manz, where were u other gals? i dilated BOTH pupils specially for u all.... interestingly, with dilated pupils, i managed to see more on the direct ophthalmoscope haha... i hope it's my skill improving... and not due to tt dilation. lolz...

Dopey @ 8:56 PM | 0 comments

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francesca chiu
2 eyebags & 5 wrinkles
on long-term dormicum drip
icq: 58631104

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