:: BïtS 'N' PiëCÉS ::

giovedì, giugno 02, 2005

:: D Round ::

D round at the NCC is highly interesting. It's sort of like a gathering...

Secretaries convening with bags of polar cakes and a carton of drinks before the conference... it seems like a 'party' of sorts...

Drs D & T are the next to come after this really nice female one... anyway then D&T sat next to DP & EW and made a lot of interesting noises... sounds like a mix of snickering and loads of giggling. sigh. if one were to stand behind their chairs, one'd see those chairs trembling and shaking rather violently as they giggled. they looked rather like two schoolboys, thick as thieves, who'd sabotaged the projector. or somthing.

At one point, D turned over to my side (I'd been illustriously attempting to avoid the violent shakes that were being transmitted to MY chair) and leaned in with a sort of amused, yet solemn look on his face:

Oh you know, haemoptysis is something quite serious, next time when you all are MOS must be very careful... you remember that pt we saw this morning? He had one episode of haemoptysis and then he died.

I made this really loud HUH sound and boy, i'm really shocked!


anyway, they REALLY GIGGLED A LOT!
anyway, i think this grp of drs are a really special lot. they're so realistically optimistic. not giving pts false hope, and yet being very encouraging all the same. they urge the pts to accept their illness, they acknowledge that it'll be a really tough time for the pts (esp when they're undergoing certain treatments). a cancer is seen as a common-place cold, or cough. these grp at the NCC are really able to empathise, rather than sympathise or offer pity. (wait, they mean the same don't they?)
as a long-term pt myself, i appreciate drs who can empathise with me (and well, so far none have really managed to) but then it's not really impt to me to get empathy, i just don't like people giving me sympathy. i ESPECIALLY hate pple who say, 'if i were in your shoes, i would blah, blah, blah.' my not-too-secret desire is to tell them, 'get out of my shoes' and 'try talking to me after you have the same illness'. really, i don't think pts (esp those with chronic illnesses) need sympathy, they just need us to treat them like normal people.
so anyway, haha... this poor dr was saying he got a pay cut when he rose fr MO to reg. LOLZ.... seems like these days there are incentives for us to stay as MOs hor...
apparently the pay rise from SR to AC is almost nothing. it's just a 'rise' from senior to associate. bah. one very optimistic dr T maintains that though the actual pay doesn't really change, the allowance increases. thereupon, he settles back into his chair and has a satisfied goofy sheepish smile on his face.
The D round is extremely different from the M&M of the surgeons. over at M&M, we watch these seemingly omnipotent pluripotent pple argue over who'd 'killed' the pt, arrows fly all over the lecture hall and the amoeba (med students), plankton (HOs) and small fish (MOs) fly for cover. D round is concerned over finding out what had killed the patient... was it the cancer or not? that's the crucial question. often they discuss about their limited capability of helping a pt. a prime example is that beds in the ICU are normally not given to cancer pts, esp if they're in the advanced stages... unethical or humane?
EW is supposed to ewing a bit and blog something abt the giggly chairs too... tune in to her blog!
pssst: you'd better blog something...

Dopey @ 8:19 PM | 0 comments

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francesca chiu
2 eyebags & 5 wrinkles
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